These tips and tricks can help you stay prepared for bad weather in any season.
- Stock up on bottled water. If the power goes out or the water supply is affected by the storm, you’ll need it!
- Dig out your battery-powered radio and some flashlights. Even if we lose power, you’ll want to stay aware of what’s going on – and don’t forget to stock up on batteries to run them!
- Charge your cell phones in advance. Also, if it becomes difficult or impossible to make phone calls in the wake of a disaster, try sending a text instead–they use less data than actual calls, and are more likely to get through.
- Make sure you have plenty of non-perishable foods, especially things that don’t require refrigeration or heating. Keep your refrigerator closed as much as possible if the power goes out–conserve food!
- Gas up your car. A full tank of gas is always a good thing to have, especially in emergency situations.
- Keep a first-aid kit at hand. We all hope you won’t have to use them – but if worse comes to worst, make sure you have the supplies you need ready!
- DON’T leave shelter during severe weather unless it’s absolutely unavoidable.
- DON’T drive into standing water – flash floods are dangerous!
- If you’re caught outside during severe weather, DON’T take shelter under a tree.
- Move to a central part of your house in the event of a weather emergency such as a tornado or strong winds; stay away from windows and secure them as much as possible.
- Check up on your neighbors, especially if they’re elderly, have young children, or are ill.