In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day coming up on the first Sunday in June, we are sharing this fantastic insight straight from cancersurvivors themselves. Our home caregivers are honored to get to be an integral part of cancer care teams throughout our Maryland home care service areas, and we love to share any little bits of insight that might make this trying time a little bit better.
“A few years back, New York Times reporter Dana Jennings posted a very moving blog titled Ten Lessons of Prostate Cancer.
It touched a nerve for me — and many of us in Cancer World — because we all have a desperate desire to connect with others living with cancer in their lives and discover the tidbits of knowledge that only experience can teach. At, we have a series of articles titled What I Wish I’d Known, in which well-known people share the lessons they learned in caring for loved ones. Below, in my own personal order of importance, are a few of Dana Jennings’ ten lessons, augmented with others from the more than 260 people who commented on his blog, and still more from community members at who’ve taken the time to share their wisdom in group postings and answers to others’ questions.” Continue Reading >>