
Heart Health

February is recognized nationwide as Heart Health month. An important reminder to continue, refresh or start healthy habits for a life time, habits that will contribute to our wellbeing and healthy aging.

Good heart health starts with eating less saturated fat, less processed foods and less salty snacks. February is a great month to replace some of those choices with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition to eating healthy, there are other habits that are recommended by the CDC:

Preventing Heart Disease: Health Living Habits

  • Eat a well-balanced diet for good health
  • Increase your physical activity (varies with age), to help maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid smoking, which may increase risk of heart disease
  • Moderate alcohol intake, excess consumption can worsen some heart conditions

CarePlus Can Help

There are many medical conditions that can impact your health. Having a heart condition can be very challenging as you age and may prevent living independently. Just to note, our in-home caregivers can provide friendly and helpful reminders for those taking medications and ensure proper adherence to prescribed medications. This is especially important for those with asymptomatic conditions like high blood pressure. Our attention to activities of daily living (ADL) is aimed at keeping everyone safe, healthy and active and includes: exercise classes, shopping trips, cooking tips and menu selections. We are committed to Heart Health, not just in February, but all year long.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Nestled nearly in the middle of the month is the holiday of love…Valentine’s Day. An important reminder that the heart needs more than healthy food and exercise.  The healthy heart also needs love and emotional connection.  It is no coincidence that Valentine’s Day is a part of Heart Health month, another reminder to celebrate and nurture the emotional heart, as well as the physical heart.

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