
As the American age demographic evolves, a growing number of people are finding themselves simultaneously helping their children grow up while taking care of their elderly parents. The people experiencing this scenario have come to be known as the Sandwich Generation, and they face unique challenges. While tending to the young and elderly at the same time can be difficult, there are things to keep in mind that can help you manage.

Financial Considerations

Financial matters vary according to the individual family, but money can be a serious issue for people taking care of two generations. According to Pew data, the Sandwich Generation is experiencing a rising financial burden. Tax planning, working with a financial advisor, and rethinking budgets are some of the ways to manage finances. In addition, there are local, state and federal resources available to support families based on income and need.


Caregivers often forget that they deserve care as well. If you are helping an aging parent or other additional family member while raising children, you are asking a lot of yourself. Remember, if you do not take care of yourself, you will not be able to care for others. Try to remember not to allow the needs of others to completely overtake your needs. While easier said than done, it can be achieved through planning. Just like you schedule time for paying bills, taking a parent to a doctor’s appointment, and getting the kids to school, try designating specific time for yourself. Scheduling provides a consistent way to make sure you are at your best because you have tended to your own needs on a regular basis.

Don’t Do It Alone

As the primary caregiver to your loved ones, it can often feel like an overwhelming responsibility. Since you are in the best position to understand what each person needs and wants, you may have trouble letting go. However, trying to do everything yourself can be inefficient and stressful, so you should consider looking for support and assistance. Call on other family members or engage professionals to help keep things in order. While the person being cared for may object to this assistance, it is important to be persistent as this not only will help you in the long run but it will also make sure that your loved ones are receiving the best possible care.

Finding the Right Professional Help

Balancing the increased demands on your life can be a challenge. It is made easier by finding the right match for support. A good place to start is a home health care service to make sure your aging parent is receiving appropriate care by providing the right services for specific needs. The right company has expertise in assessing care services and matching the right caregiver with your parent’s needs. A thorough intake process and regular assessments mean that the additional needs that might arise, will also be identified and managed. While you may feel like you are sandwiched between your children and your parents, finding the proper balance and support is essential.

CarePlus provides services at all levels of care, designed to allow the family caregivers peace of mind when they need support. For over 25 years, our professionals have been helping families, and safety is always a top priority. We follow CDC recommendations as well as taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe. For more information and resources, please visit our website.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at (301) 740-8870 or email us at info@careplusinc.com.

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